Suppliers and partners

    We procures raw materials, production materials, machinery and services on international markets.

    We expect our suppliers to meet the same high expectations that our customers have of innovative sintek products. The quality and success of our products also very much depend on the capability of our suppliers.


How do we purchase?

    Good cooperation between Sintek and its international suppliers increases the business success and competitiveness of our company. This is why we see our suppliers as our partners. That does not mean we'll always make it easy for you. We are demanding and aware of costs and have high standards of quality. You are willing to meet these requirements and assume a high degree of responsibility?

    Then contact us!

    This first step of contacting us is followed by a selection process based on objective and comprehensible criteria. If you have convinced us, we are looking forward to successfully meeting new challenges together with you.


What do we purchase?

1.Metals as a raw material (Metal alloy, Film, Paper, Plastics, Chemical)

2.Consumables industry materials

3.Machines and tools

4.Electronic components and product

5.Packaging product

6.Machining Services

7.IT hardware and software




What we expect of you

    Certain preconditions have to be met to establish a long-term relationship with Sintek based on partnership. This includes: High standards of quality Competitive market prices High delivery performance Active contribution to product optimization based on technological progress Personal communication based on trust Responsible management of resources Responsible in technical support and service We are looking forward to a successful cooperation with you. Contact us